The Russell Family Foundation is committed to achieving Net Zero by 2030. As part of the Foundation’s membership in the United Nations-convened Net Zero Asset Owners Alliance (NZAOA), these 2025 targets are the first step in a series of targets that highlight the Foundation’s continued focus of addressing the climate crisis.
Sub-Portfolio Emissions Target
The Foundation has established an interim target of 30% portfolio reduction by 2025 (Scope 3, financed emissions), as measured by emissions intensity of listed equities and corporate bonds.
The Foundation does not own fossil fuels and has low-carbon tilts implemented throughout its portfolio management strategy aligned with a revised Investment Policy Statement affirming our Net Zero commitment.
Engagement Target
The Foundation has set shareholder engagement targets, backing SBTi approved targets and net-zero commitments on the top 20 listed equity holdings by 2025. The Foundation will vote proxies and co-file resolutions aligned with net zero goals, in collaboration with industry partners.
Climate Solution Investment Target
The Foundation has set targets to transition an additional 15% of assets towards more climate solutions-oriented decarbonization technologies and nature-based strategies to reduce portfolio intensity by 2025 across listed equities, fixed income, alternatives, and private assets aligned with the portfolio emissions targets.
We have baselined our Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions across listed equities and corporate fixed income and are currently baselining emissions of private assets in advance of NZAOA guidance.
The Russell Family Foundation’s base year is as of December 31, 2022.