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The Russell Family Foundation Search

Food for Climate Solutions

Addressing climate change by focusing on local farmers and our regional food system

Food is fundamental, and how we grow it can play a significant role in mitigating the effects of climate change. Project Drawdown notes that the food, agriculture, and land use sectors are crucial to addressing the climate crisis. These sectors contribute ~24% of greenhouse gas emissions, making it a key pathway to pursue significant reductions in emissions. In addition, by improving our land use and agricultural practices, we maximize the potential for land-based carbon sequestration, helping to remove greenhouse gases from the atmosphere.

Our vision is to address the negative impacts of climate change while fostering more equitable access to local, healthy, and sustainably grown food. We will achieve this by supporting organizations that focus on farmland stewardship, enhancing the sustainability of farm businesses, empowering farmers, strengthening regional food system infrastructure, and advancing climate-resilient, organic, and regenerative farming practices. We prioritize opportunities for organizations serving historically excluded communities, recognizing the systemic barriers they face in accessing land, healthy food, and sustainable farming enterprises. These communities also bear a disproportionate burden from the negative impacts of climate change, making equity a core principle of our approach.

By investing in regional systems and supporting small farmers, we can tap into the potential of farming as a nature-based solution to climate change, making it feasible for communities to embrace and benefit from “eating local.”

Funding Priorities

We prioritize partnerships with organizations and initiatives that address multiple interconnected components of a healthy and sustainable regional food system. Our focus is serving historically excluded small to medium-sized farmers and other individuals essential to creating a resilient food system. Our funding priorities include:

Building a Strong Regional Food System Infrastructure

Supporting shared facilities such as cold and dry storage, value-added processing centers, and distribution hubs to create economic opportunities and strengthen connections across the food system.

Providing Resources and Technical Support

Equipping farmers with essential tools, technical assistance, and access to emerging technologies that enhance farm resilience, sustainability, and competitiveness.

Advancing Regenerative and Climate-Resilient Practices

Promoting farming approaches that improve soil health, foster biodiversity, and ensure long-term farm viability, positioning agriculture as a nature-based solution to climate change.

By investing in these interconnected areas, we aim to create a forward-thinking and equitable regional food system that benefits farmers, communities, and the environment.


Where We Work

Our work focuses on Western Washington. We are committed to refining our geographic scope as we grow and learn alongside our partners.

Thank you for your interest in partnering with The Russell Family Foundation. Applications are by invitation only, and we currently do not accept unsolicited letters of interest, proposals, or applications. However, we are open to learning more if there is potential alignment with our funding priorities. Please contact us if you have questions or would like to explore this program area further.
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